Hi Steve,
I am unaware of any such kits.
In salamanders there are two forms of fertilization, external (Hynobiidae, Cryptobranchidae and possibly Sirenidae (postulated not proven)) while fertilization is internal in all other salamanders. In the internal fertilizing salamanders the problem is often not in getting courtship and spermataphore deposition and pickup but in getting the females to lay the eggs as we have not figured out many of the cues required to reach this task.
The females control the descent and fertilization of the eggs so injecting sperm into the cloaca will not cause the eggs to be fertilized nor even to be deposited if the sperm is then taken up and stored in the spermatheca. If the eggs are not at the correct stage of developement then even if the eggs were exposed to the sperm, fertilization would not succeed.
With the external fertilizing salamanders, there is also the problem of getting ovulation as well as cycling the salamander for courtship. To obtain the sperm when needed you would probably have to pith the male and try to strip the female, pithing would kill the male while stripping the female may also result in death.
I'm trying to simplify a fairly lengthy and involved topic, if you are really interested in this you might want to consider grabbing a copy of Biology of Amphibians by Duellman and Trueb as they go into some pretty good detail on the different mechanics of breeding of the many types of amphibians.
Hope this helps,