Male axolotl with cloaca turned out and back end floating


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Aug 9, 2018
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Ontario, Canada
My 5 1/2 year old male axolotl has been having trouble with his back end floating and I noticed that his cloaca seems to be partially turned out and has been for quite a while, like when they lay sperm cones. He eats as normal (half of a large earthworm every other day), so I don't think it's impaction/constipation. He lives in a 50-gallon with a few of his sons, who all seem normal.

what is the water temperature?
due to back end float and slight inflammation of the cloaca it looks like there is an air block, adding a mild laxative may help ie.. magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) 0.2g/l.
what is the water temperature?
due to back end float and slight inflammation of the cloaca it looks like there is an air block, adding a mild laxative may help ie.. magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) 0.2g/l.
Temps are 64-69F, and I add John's Solution with most water changes (epsom, aquarium salt, baking soda) but I can add a bit more epsom salts.
reduce temp to 59°f-64°f if possible, 64°f-69°f is fine for breeding temperature although not long term.
increasing magnesium should help.
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