Hi Friends,
A few MTS ( Malaysian Trumpet Snails ) have in to my tank thru plants and gravel. I've heard they are really good for the substrate as they burrow and scavenge under the substrate layers but I'm worried and want to know if its ok to have them in the Newt Tank ?
I'm asking this because I've heard that Newts can ingest small gravel particles etc so if my newts accidently or intentionally eat a MTS, will it kill them (because the MTS have a sharp shell) - Kindly guide me Friends...
Thanks a lot !
Regards and Care
A few MTS ( Malaysian Trumpet Snails ) have in to my tank thru plants and gravel. I've heard they are really good for the substrate as they burrow and scavenge under the substrate layers but I'm worried and want to know if its ok to have them in the Newt Tank ?
I'm asking this because I've heard that Newts can ingest small gravel particles etc so if my newts accidently or intentionally eat a MTS, will it kill them (because the MTS have a sharp shell) - Kindly guide me Friends...
Thanks a lot !
Regards and Care