Low light plants



Plants need light. Newts don't (nor the heat lighting can generate. Best low light plants for aquatic enclosures:
Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana): Excellent spawn receiver, also good for damp terrestrial environments.
Java fern (Microsorium pteropus): Tough as old boots.
Anubias - the slowest growing plant in the world (right Morg?), but indestructable.
Yep, Anubias may be very slow growing, but they are my favourite plants for an aquatic set up and as you say, indestructable.
Duck-weed is a floating plant that doesn't need much light. I like pothos (devil's ivy) as an above-water plant. It only needs to have its roots in water, doesn't need dirt.
I asked for pothos at my usual pet store, and they had no idea what it was. I didn't know what the common name for it was, so i'll try again and ask for devil's ivy. Cool.
Ok, thanks. My search continues.
Also, I posted about this before, and I only got one response...
Would bamboo be ok in my newt tank?
Elisabeth, wasn't my reply good enough for ya? hehe

Aaron, it was good enough, but I just wanted a few more opinions. I've put the bamboo in since your reply, and it seems to be working out ok.
See, I do trust you!
I got some pothos ivy at walmart in a little pot, for 1.97. It had planty of leaves only aroung 4 inches in diameter from leaf to leaf. this seems to be a great place for my newts to sleep and hide.
Where do you get java moss and java fern? at the lps or at a garden center?
Chris, was it a Super Wal-mart? What time of year was it?
I'm looking for pothos myself.
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