Question: Looking for male axie photo


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Jun 26, 2010
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United Kingdom
As above. I've googled male axolotl and only comes up with one photo that shows a bulge behind the rear legs or cloaca. One of mine is showing a bulge but not as big as the one on google in=mages or it might just be macro photography. I'll try post some pics of mine but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone could show me theres. I have two axolotls and one is showing a slight bulge but not showing the darkened toetips so not sexually mature but the other has darkened toetips but no bulge.
Yeh I've seen that. Its the ONLY pics I can find. The one that has the black toe tips has no lump but is at sexual maturity hence the toe tips but the one without showing the black toe tips has a small lump similar to the one of the female pic on that link. But as that pic is showing an adult male I'm guessing mine is a teenager and hasnt hit puberty yet and his balls havent dropped yet?! As the only pics I can find online are those on the link you posted I'm asking if anyone else has pics so I can compare to
The dark toe tips are not a definite sign of maturity. Sometimes it's just natural pigmentation.

It can take an axolotl from 12-18 mos old to become sexually mature. What colors are they? If you can, get some pics posted of yours - borrow a camera...maybe?
Ok sorry for bad pics, camera isnt great and never shot through glas and water and hard to get right angles etc

Black eye leustic (which I think is an female, she's at least 4yrs old as previous owner had her that long)



This is what I think is the male (age unknown as got from pet shop but is smaller than the other, is kept in seperate tank, so guessing younger but showing this slight bump, seen both close up and from a distance)



They could both be female. That bulge doesn't look big enough for male to me.
How big are they? It can take a while before they show properly.

Here are my male and female.
They are big 25cm adults though.

1st and 3rd pic Female
2nd pic male

Sorry about the sideways-ness. Cant figure it out lol


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