Lonely little fire-belly?


New member
Mar 5, 2010
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United States
I'm new, but had one time been registered a few years back.

I have one 4 year old cynops orientalis, it used to have a buddy, but the buddy died about a year back.

Now my question is, do these guys mind if you move another one in? Is there a rule of thumb to this? Should I make sure it is the same age/size or is there a specific sex I should avoid?

The tank is a 10 gallon, planted, fully aquatic tank with a few rocks above surface.

What about species mixing? I always hear that is a no-no?

I got my two (now one) at a local petshop that is now closed down. I haven't seen them around here locally since then. Any advice where to purchase another from?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for the advice.



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Hi Ellena,
Newts are not social animals so keeping them individually is not a problem. Many keepers prefer to keep them in groups because they tend to be more active and interact with each other.

As a general rule you should always quarantine new newts for 1-2 months. This is especially important when buying wild caught animals, as all Cynops will be, from pet shops. They often become sick from the trauma of the whole import/pet-shop experience and will pose a risk to your existing newt.

Any new newt should ideally be of similar size although Cynops are usual quite placid and rarely bully one another. Same sex couples are also fine in my experience. A mixed couple may result in eggs at some point ;).

Mixing species is a risky business. You can view various accounts of mixing disasters here.

Cynops orientalis are occasionally bred in captivity and sold through the for-sale section of this forum. Sadly, for such a popular pet species, it's a rare event. You should place a wanted ad in the trade section. If you provide your general location other members may be able to advise on pet stores local to you.

- Mark
Defiantely don't mix species; if you want another newt then get one; but I don't think your newt will be that bothered. I have 3; I originally had one and then I introduced another 2 (at different times) and there were no troubles or anything. I have a little food bowl; one is aquatic and the other two are aquatic they both sit in the same food bowl eating at the same time (although I always make sure to put 2 bowls in just so that there is food for two in case there is ever an argument).
Thanks to both. I would much rather have a CB one (or two!) than WC ones.
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