Live plants


New member
Jan 11, 2023
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Nova Scotia
Just wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to keeping plants at the bottom of the tank. I have a sand bottom and always stick the plants into the sand. Not sure if the axolotl is the cause of then being uprooted or if they're just coming out on their own. Maybe it's just wishful thinking to think I can keep them where I want them. Haha.
It is probably the axolotl causing it. I also had trouble keeping plants alive in the sand I use. You can superglue or tie plants to rocks and other decor if you want or keep them free floating.
My axie constantly digs up the plants in my sand bottom tank. Come in the room almost every morning to a floating plant. Just a habit as they like to dig to try and find food. I’ve learned to live with it.
My axie constantly digs up the plants in my sand bottom tank. Come in the room almost every morning to a floating plant. Just a habit as they like to dig to try and find food. I’ve learned to live with it.
That really crushes my dreams of a lovely habitat with perfectly placed plants 😂
Caught her red handed this morning…


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