Some recommend plants:
Anubias Nana - great plant, virtually indestructible, hardy and low maintenance.
Anubias Isabelle - very tough, taller than the Nana.
Anubias Barteri - just like the Nana, but a bit bigger and with rounder leaves.
Java Fern - one of the toughest aquatic plants you can get - grows anywhere!
Java Moss - grows anywhere as well, can be made into a sort-of "carpet"
Lilaeopsis - this is like grass, you can make a beautiful lawn in your tank with it.
Eleocharis (Hairgrass) - same as with Lilaeopsis tends to be a bit taller though.
Pongol - this is actually Mondo Grass, so it's not a true aquatic but survives (doesn't grow, just survives) for ages submerged, not really recommended.
Congensis - quite striking for a centrepiece plant.
Riccia - Riccia generally needs a lot of light to grow properly, thus only suitable for brighter tanks.
Narrow Chain Sword - another grassy-type thing. Looks pretty, grows happily.