Live Blood worm from pet shops


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Mar 9, 2012
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Co.Tyrone/ Chester
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I buy my blood worm from a local aquatic specialist. I have been reading through threads of how to keep them. I have a small fridge i store them in some lunchboxes.

When I have been purchasing the worms I have been rinsing off the pink solution they come in then placing them in boxes. Would they last longer in the solution am i doing the right thing washing the pink solution off?

Planning get some more tomorrow at the store gets a fresh supply in.
I just leave mine in the bags in the fridge, when i want to feed them i rinse them in a brineshrimp net under the tap for a minute or two.
They can be kept on damp paper as well, but i have never tried this, never had a problem with them in the water.
Water changes with cold tap water can make a huge difference - I've kept bloodworm alive for a few weeks with daily changes. If you're feeling experimental, it might be worth adding a couple of dead leaves too as I always seem to find these midge larvae in buckets with leaf litter
Thanks may experiment. Bought some today in the fridge in small takeaway boxes.
Keeping them cool in general seems to make them last longer - in summer I'm lucky if they last a week at room temeprature, but I can get 4 or 5 weeks out of them in winter
I wouldn't leave them in the bags if you want them to last more than a week. I agree with people about the fridge. I keep mine in a cylindrical Tupperware in the fridge. When I get them home I tip them all into the Tupperware.

If I have many bags I will let the worms settle then pour off the excess pinkish liquid and then add water from a bucket I've left to dechlorinate. If there's only one bag I usually just top it up. If the bloodworm are fresh it's not necessarily mega important that you rinse off the pink bag water. If they're a few days old then it's probably a good idea as you'll notice a smell.

Keeping them in the fridge and changing a little of the water every week can make them last for weeks at a time, maybe longer. Don't worry if they look dead as they pretty much don't move in the cold of the fridge. They soon start wriggling around in the warmer water of your newt tanks though.

Good luck
The best way to keep to keep live blood worms is to keep them in an open container in the fridge. Since most family members frown on having worms in the same fridge that human food is kept I've kept them in a disposable food storage container with the lid loosely kept on the top. At one time I had a small dorm room sized frig that I kept all my live food and I was able to have small air pump with an airstone in the container to keep it aerated and changed the water about 3 times a week. I was able to keep them for 10-14 days.:happy:
Are u guys sure that that's a blood worm? isnt it Tubifex worms?
Old photo but the red worms in the picture. Got them in my own little fridge seem to be doing fine with the water changes.
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