Hi. Iv´e just got an idea that I want some feedback on
. When the light in my tank is turned on it is far to bright, it heats the tank up and it causes algae in the long run. So i came up with this idea. If you take aluminum foil, take a pencil and make little holes in it, and folds it halfway around the lamp wouldn´t this stop the tank from being heated (as aluminum foil reflects the light) and the little holes will let in enough light to make the plants and my axie happy!? Well, just an idea..
And.. well.. in my filter, I use filther-whool and a regular plastic-thingy that came with the filter. Should I use ceramic instead as the whool and should (if/when I change to ceramics) I just clean the plastic-thingy and leave the ceramics as the bacteria would otherwhise be killed!?
And.. well.. in my filter, I use filther-whool and a regular plastic-thingy that came with the filter. Should I use ceramic instead as the whool and should (if/when I change to ceramics) I just clean the plastic-thingy and leave the ceramics as the bacteria would otherwhise be killed!?