Lexuss' trick



Well Lexus used to be the shy one of the bunch but since i've been feeding them worms he will do just about anything for one!!!


"I'm wasteing away, look you can hardly see me from the side!"


"I'll pose for the camera....."


"... Smile for the camrea?"

"ok if none of the above deserve a worm a TRICK will, i'll balance a whole axolotl on my back"



And he got his worm
Aw Jenny, the pictures are so cute!

I also really like Lexus's chocolate spots. It looks like he couldn't help himself and got into some chocolate! He's adorable

Thanks for sharing with us
And they're webbed!! My guys front toes are so long and thin. So do all axies have four front toes and five back toes?
Lol, Thats so cute!!!! he's got so much character! i agree with rheann, he looks like he's been into the chocolate!
Amanda, that's a characteristic of all Ambystoma (including axolotls), 4 toes on the front and 5 on the back.
very nice photos "wish i could get mine that clear"
love the axies too
That is right, the pictures are so clear, what kind of camera do you have?
Jenny, my leucistic has something weird going on with her toes too! She has two growing off the end of one - looks like a split end toe!

Is it normal for axies to walk all over each other like this? I've just put my two in together, and on their 5th day sharing a home, I've noticed them doing this "stacks on" stuff! It kind of looks like they're smothering each other - is it considered bullying? and if not, then what is?
Thank you all for the nice comments

He was my first axie i have 6 altogether now!
My camera is a sony cyber-shot 3.2 mega pixels.

And casey i've never seen them do this before yup they do usually barge each other out the way or swim over each other but they sat like this for about 10 mins!

keep a look out for more pics cos i had a snapping frenzy the other night but didn't want to post to may and bore you all
Casey, mine do it a lot. Others have also said that theirs will stack up. I think they're pretty oblivious to each other and are just trying to get over the obstacle.

Ever notice how axolotls are like potato chips? You can't have just one...
LOL Joan!

That's so true about Potato Chips

Same goes with Axies.

Jenny, we would love to see more photos!
I also think it's cute when one Axolotl falls on top of another, and the one being squashed raises its head up like it's saying "What the? Pardon me, sir or madam, but you are sitting on me!" lol
I love the close up of his face, they always look like they're smiling don't they, I guess that's why we love them!
I had a herp show last weekend, and took a few of the axolotls as well as other newts to display and lecture on, and more than a few people said they were ugly. I told them their sense of what is beautiful is pretty skewed
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