Some more information: If you type into google some combonation words such as "Petco Horrors", "Petsmart cruelty" "Pet shops mistreat animals", ect, you are bound to find many links to sites about the conditions found in pet shops by both customers and employees. Don't believe everything you breathe, but trust your instincts. And trust what you see when you enter a pet store. If it looks bad, its bad.
Don't let me sound like you should do nothing, however. I fully encourage people to write to the general and district managers of pet companies when deplorable conditions are found. Please include your real name, as well as any other name of a customer who "does not want to be a customer due to the deplorable conditions found in your store" and wants to be included. If possible, do include the store number(s) [usually found on the reciept or in the store] as well as the names of anyone who may have assisted you poorly at that time.
Informing the district manager is the best way to get things accomplished as far as improving immediate problems with conditions found in tanks and at the pet store itself.