I've heard horror stories of kids killing salamanders ("Why'd you throw it against the wall?!"), frogs ("Wanna see what happens when we put a fire cracker in his mouth?"), and toads ("Eww, what's that yellow stuff that came out of his mouth when I slammed that doll house on him?") they've found, and mostly out of cruel curiosity. I've never actually witnessed any, and I'm glad I haven't. I'd be nearly be driven to homicide in that case.
I'm not sure what you can do to stop people like this, aside from enlightening them either about why killing animals is immoral or about how it harms the ecosystem. Or maybe you can suggest that in some areas, it's illegal. It may not be the way to go, however, because what we really desire to do is throttle the cruel bastards. It sort makes you wish they'd get eaten by a giant frog.