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Mar 12, 2008
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Ayr, Scotland
United States
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Ian Faux
My brand spankin new Tiger Salamander will be arriving tommorow *woohoo*. I've posted a couple of times so bare with me, I just want to get this right. Ok so the tank is 20 gallons, the substrate is sterilised top-soil, I'm un able to get spaghum moss however, It's 4-6 inches deep, it has a large water bowl (not deep enough to cause it to drown). I've planted a fern, the temperature is 19 C, the tank is moist. I''ll be feeding it worms, fish peices, crickets (when I can get them), is there anything I can get easily to feed them?
I think I've read about every care sheet out there and as far as I can tell the general consensus is that this would be fine. I'll do a Blog tommorow on it for those who care. So, any suggestions/comments?
Sounds great, however you don't need sphagnum moss(its pretty acidic anyways) and make sure you don't feed it fish meat to often, worms can be its staple diet.
I'm excited for you Ian too, I believe that the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) sell meal worms (both dried and live) so I wonder whether that would be an option for you? I just read the care sheet for Tigers as well and I wonder which sub/species it will be? Tigrinum or Mavortium?

Undetermined on the sub-species but my geuss is tigrinum. Meal worms would have to be recently shed ones as newts can't digested their shells to well. I'm thinking I'll need calcium powder aswell but no idea were to get it.
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