I am having a small problem with my larval Tylototritons (emperor, mandarin crocodile, etc). I keep 10 of them in pairs in decent sized rubbermaid tubs. There is a land area with green moss they can haul out on, although all still have their gills. There is java moss in the water but no substrate. The water temp stay at a constant 60F and the air temp is around 65F. I noticed the other day that a pair in one tank were floating belly up, they were very bloated but still alive. I touched them a little and one swam under water, upside down, and emitted a decent sized air bubble. They had just started to lose their gills so I thought maybe they couldn't get out onto land. I placed them half on land half in water and they both moved a little then died that night. I figured it was a fluke or keeper error since they were in the same tank. Now another bigger one seems to be doing the same thing, he isn't upside down but is perched up high on the java moss with his back out of water. He seems a little bloated and listless. Am I being paranoid now or is something going on? I have them in my basement along with a bunch of baby axolotl and Spanish ribbed newts, which are doing great.