i wonder if some of my bad luck with larvae has to do with being too cold, same with new morphs...stream breeding sals larvae should be able to deal ok with 50 F (and mine in the past have) or so but as for vernal pool breeders and pond breeders this doesnt seem to be the case, i have not tried a side by side comparison of larvae with one exposed to cooler temps than the other, but it does seem i dont do as well with those kept in the 50-60 range, i had some recently at home that were 75 and i thought this was too risky so i transfered them to the facility where they were exposed to winter temps (50-60), and they didnt do well......esp with morphs my logic is that eggs are laid in spring and the animals will morph in late summer/early fall when the ground is still warm and they wont burrow down as far as adults so they must be better at warmer temps than adults? i just cant figure out why they would do poorly at temps adults can handle fine.
last year when i got that batch of axolotl eggs to try to raise-i left them to raise up in a fishtank in the biology lab, which is about 73 F and they didnt do well..infact they all died, even after i removed the survivors to a colder set up (50-60F).....so some of this might be species specific. i found that alpines did better in the parents tank-which is warmer than their baby tank since its up high on a rack....im wanting to know most from those who have raised lots of larvae, esp larvae of different kinds..could you provide a basic outline as in 'pond breeders do best at this...' or 'this genus does better at this...'
last year when i got that batch of axolotl eggs to try to raise-i left them to raise up in a fishtank in the biology lab, which is about 73 F and they didnt do well..infact they all died, even after i removed the survivors to a colder set up (50-60F).....so some of this might be species specific. i found that alpines did better in the parents tank-which is warmer than their baby tank since its up high on a rack....im wanting to know most from those who have raised lots of larvae, esp larvae of different kinds..could you provide a basic outline as in 'pond breeders do best at this...' or 'this genus does better at this...'