Disclaimer: NOT AN EXPERT!
If you're looking for a second opinion; out of the three, I'd say spotted. Could be marbled? Don't THINK Eastern, just on the basis of the patterning? Hard to kind of see the tail patterning exactly, but marbled seems to be a bit more... regular?
I could be totally wrong in every sense. I live in the UK and there's only 3 species of newt here, so it's not as hard and I have pretty much no newt experience elsewhere, but just from looking around; the patterning on your newt seems largely irregular and more or less just ubiquitously brown, which seems to correlate more to spotted.
That's the image I found that seemed closest to yours and it's spotted. Eastern seems to have a faint, almost slightly leopard-print pattern on the tail margins and marbled, as I say seems to have slightly more regular patterning along the tail. Like, a faint, broken up line running laterally across it.
Definitely seek further guidance though, as, as I say, I'm certainly not an expert!