Hey guys,
Thanx. I'm tried Chris' idea with the planting of V spiralis in a bowl of gravel and i still quarantining it for a while to see if it holds. Yes i agree that real plants are not only more appealing, more comfortable for the newts, they also take in nitrates and hence water changes can be reduced. but i live in a tropical country so i dun have access to java moss and the like. If the V spiralis holds, i'd gladly use it. Thanx anyway for all your info.
Btw, one of my newts have recently gone terrestrial. It gets really stressed when i put it in my fully aquatic tank. the only land area is a floating cork which that newt doesn't really use. Water temperature is quite high, 80F but i have no way to cool it down. i do partial water changes every 4 days and clean out uneaten food and <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> at first sight. The other newt (slightly bigger male) seems very comfortable with the whole set up. any suggestions? THanks in advance!!
SAmuel Lee