Keeping fish with C. orientalis



Hi all, just wondering if there were any fish other than guppies (Mollies? Beta? Snails?? etc.)that I could keep in with a pair of C.O.s??

They are in a 10 gal tank, but there is only 2 of them and nothing else.. Cute, but seems a little empty.. Would it be safe to put a couple of dwarf clawed frogs in it?? Or should I just stick to fish???

Any thoughts??

Hi Billie.

Have you read the article on species mixing disasters yet? Here's the link:

There's a section there on "Newts with frogs/toads" that hopefully will dissuade you from keeping C. orientalis and clawed frogs together.

Then scroll down to see the section titled "Newts/sals with fish, etc."

If the tank seems empty, you could add some snails and plants and rocks and things...
And as I tell everyone, ghost shrimp!
If you really want fish (not snails or ghost shrimp), the only one I'd recommend is white cloud minnows. These are very pretty, very hardy, love cold water, and are sold at most pet shops. Can't beat that!
Mollies would probably not work, bettas definetly not as they like it warm while newts prefer it cool.

One fish I have found to survive well in newt tanks would be Heterandria formosa(the pygmy livebearer). Smaller than guppies and the males are very small. They don't mind cold and the adults will pick at blackworms or whatever the newts leave behind after a meal of frozen food. They don't have colors going for them but they have a subtle beauty and are considered qite cute by any guests who see them in my tanks. They are not above taking that occasional nip at a sore of an injured newt therefore I've removed them from the newt tanks just in case.

(Message edited by fishkeeper on December 03, 2005)
Yes White Clouds all the way!!!! Betas tend to pick on skinn. mollies are dominate. Guppys ok, but not all ways prefured..

I have always kept white clouds in my Asian newt tanks with no trouble. They are fine down to at least 10C in my experience.
I read from the web saying that White Clouds can tolerate 5C.

Anyway. I never keep fish or other things with my newts. What will happen if I do so. Will the newts eggs or newt larvae in the tank be eaten by small fishes or Ghost Shrimp?
They may Ian. I would expect them to go after the larvae, but I don'tthink that white clouds, would pick at the eggs.

Sorry About the mixing idea.. I have no idea why I even thought of putting frogs in with the newts.. I know better than that, Not only have I read the mixing stories, I even posted a few of my own...

Chalk it up to lack of Caffeeeeeennnn...
Whats wrong with guppies. I think as long as they are small they are perfect. Between the newts, guppies, small snails, plants, java moss, large rocks, and filter my whole water situation is perfect. The guppies are great. They are small, and help alot. They eat the leftover food, they produce live offspring (rarely), don't mind the cold water, and they add intrest to the tank. I have yet to see anything wrong with them. Take it into consideration.
Guppies are an OK mix in most cases. The only drawbacks are that they reproduce like crazy (which is either good or bad, depending on whether you have any newts that eat them). And if the tank gets truly cold, they die. I had this happen when I went on vacation and set the house thermostat colder than usual... I came back to find decaying guppie-corpses.
wow, that sucks. They seem to be doing alright.I do hope they breed like crazy, because if i get too many, i can always feed them to my large fish, lol. The guppies i have a re like 1/2 the size of normal, so it works out even better, lol.
Stick to the fishys. Whitecloud mountain minnows for sure. You'll end up lovin' 'em anyway.
I keep guppies with my Xenopus and I never have to feed them anything else. Just make sure there are lots of places for the guppies to hide or if the newts are large(Pachytrition, Pleurodeles, etc.) they may eat all the guppies and then, of course, you won't have any more guppies. And also, when I use guppies try and get guppies from 2nd Generation Pet Shop Guppies, as in buy guppies and keep them separate from the newts and then put the guppies spawn in with the newts. This will lower the risk of getting diseases from sick petshop guppies. Also, try and use Feeder guppies rather than the fancy guppies. I believe I read somewhere that fancy guppies may be sterile from all the selective breeding. But, to make things simple. Stick with White Clouds. And only add guppies if you have something big enough to keep the numbers down.
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