well, caught my first lissotriton vulgaris for this year. a female and two males, i introduced them to their home for the next two weeks as i will take some pics, feed them up and watch their behaviour before i release them again. anyways, when i was about to clean their aquaria i saw small bathces of eggs on the floor of the aquaria. i carefully removed them with a pair of tweezers to another aquaria. so my question is: what should i do to keep them alive and make them hatch? ho about the temperature/water cleaning? i know that i should remove those with grey balls in the middle. an when/if they hatch, what should i give as food? im thinking of going to the pond i cached them in and get some water, because it will surely contain lots of food in the right size. just give as much information as you can in raising newborns and eggs
p.s. i appologize for my bad english again, i'm from sweden you know
p.s. i appologize for my bad english again, i'm from sweden you know