Karelenii Morph Questions



I am hoping that my larvae will morph in a month or so and I want to be ready when they do. I have some questions,

It looks as though all the juvie pictures I've seen of karelenii have them terrestrial. I could manage terrestrial, but I would prefer aquatic because to me it seems easier than terrestrial. Is there any advice on how to keep them aquatic or at least semi aquatic? Should I just go with terrestrial?

as a food source will I still be able to keep up with the blackworms? Any problems with them being terrestrial and eating? (I have had problems with feeding terrestrial N. viridescens in the past)

I have a ten gallon tank and a possibility of having 11 morph, although two or three of them are pretty small and I am not sure if they will make it. Will I be able to use the ten gallon tank?

Lastly, is there anything important coming up that I am not taking into consideration? Any specific karelenii concerns? I have read the caresheets for the crested newts on Caudata Culture, but is there anything else?

Thanks a ton, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you all.
They are easy to raise aquatically, actually. I raised mine in little sweater boxes and just left them alone when they morphed. I didn't change my care at all besides gradually giving them more space, bigger foods, and, of course, making sure to keep that lid always on! My biggest problem would be escapes...I lost 2 like that. I did give them a rock to haul out on but they seldom used it except when being bullied or otherwise stressed.

(Message edited by fishkeeper on November 26, 2006)

(Message edited by fishkeeper on November 26, 2006)
Patrick how big are yours? Mine are still small due to feeding issues. What do they look like now? YAY! I'm excited for you!
My biggest are 2 inches or so, the smallest are still under an inch. The have brown pigment everywhere and are starting to get spots on their backs, look like miniature axolotls. How are yours doing? Are you having any problems still? I have some problems with them attacking each other, do you? Thanks again for the eggs, I can't wait until they morph. I don't know what I am going to do with them all.
Well, for christmas I got a 20L aquarium and my larvae started morphing. I have two that have completely morphed now, and they haven't eaten since they've started to morph. They also havent left the water once. Is this a normal occurrance? The other's have just now started to lose their gills and the extended tail fin so I haven't noticed whether they have stopped eating or not. I have several rocks that stick out of the water in my new aquarium, and even a little rock cave for a hiding place that is out of the water, and I am still feeding them blackworms. Any suggestions or answers?
My two are just over an inch long. They have brown spots and their gills do appear to be receding. I'm going to put in some "land" tomorrow. I am keeping them in separate small tuperwares so I don't have any aggresive behavior- only towards the blackworms. They are taking whole worms now, which is a relief.
It's normal for some karelinii to stay fully aquatic during morph, and even after. Yet, despite this, it's also possible for some to drown, so be careful that there is enough land. It's also normal for them to stop eating for few days right at the time they morph, but they should start again soon.
thanks for your help, They have started eating again, and all but my four smallest ones that I keep in a separate tank are morphing now. I still haven't noticed any out of the water, I am guessing there is enough land, but it is all rocky, do you think I should put in some soil or gravel substrate land? I have been hesitating because of the mess and the ease of having a rock pile as the necessary land.
Rocks are fine, they don't need sand or soil. They'll haul out when they are ready.
well, time for an update, I still have two with gills but they are beginning to morph now.

I tragically lost one of my morphs, not quite sure why, perhaps to drowning even though I believe there to be plenty of land and I often find juvies hanging out on it. It might have been starvation or something, it was skinnier than the others, still I recall it eating. It was really unexpected and made me pretty sad, everything seemed to be going fine.

other than that my remaining 7 juvies are growing alot and seem to be doing well (at least I hope). My question is when am I going to be able to tell their sex? Do I have to wait for the males' crests or are there any differences I can discern before that? I am planning on giving some away but want to make sure I have a breedable pair or two before I give any away.

I also have an individual which has a lame hind leg. The leg is the same size as the others but lies limp and does not move. I have not done anything for this individual because it seems to get along fine as it is and is growing as fast as the other juvies. Still, does anyone think otherwise? I would think that there would be nothing to do for the leg, but who knows, I am not an expert.

lastly I cannot thank everyone on this site enough. I can't explain how great it feels to have gone through all this work and finally have reached this point. This has been quite a rewarding experience, and I could not have done it without everyone's help. I hope to someday be able to help others as you all have helped me.
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  • Dnurnberg:
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  • FragileCorpse:
    He also seems a little sluggish, again, assuming hes cold. Having heating trouble with the new house right now. What do we think? Was thinking of grabbing this for him since its got very low, medium, and higher medium heat settings that exude heat downward inside the rock cave but ALSO exudes it UPWARDS outside of the rock cave, effectively keeping the tank itself a little warm. Seems like it miiiight be a little small for him though, my guy is about 7 inches from tip of his nose tothe tip of his tail. What do we think? https://www.amazon.com/Reptile-Simulation-Adjustable-Temperature-Tortoise/dp/B0CH1DPGBC
  • FragileCorpse:
    I also asked this as an actual question in a thread in case anyone wants to answer it there instead of here
    FragileCorpse: I also asked this as an actual question in a thread in case anyone wants to answer it there... +1