New member
Hi, one of my Fire Belly females laid this spring and I have 41 offspring. They are just morphing and eight have left the water so far. As larvae, they've been brought up on a mixture of brine shrimp and pond skimmings (mostly mosquito and midge larvae). I've been looking online as to what their new land-diet should be and the sites have been telling me to give them rotted, bug-infested forest leaves and earthworms. That sounds easy enough but I live in Canada, in two months there will be lots of snow and no bugs or worms and Im feeling a little panicy as to what I can feed them through the winter. Their mom and dad eat frozen bloodworms and ideally I would want the yongsters to do the same, but how? I read that if you can train them to be hand fed you can swap the live food for dead food, but theres 41! How am I suppose to hand feed 41 hungry little mouths every day? Please please please someone rescue me from this plight!!