Hello everyone. I had a question I couldn't quite find the answer for. I just got a juvenile Axolotl. I'm not sure of the age but it's probably about and inch and a half long I would guess. I set it up in a 10 gal aquarium with rock substrate from petco. If you look it up on their website it's called "river rock shallow creek aquarium gravel". The rocks range from about the same size of the axolotls head to a bit larger. I'm concerned that when I try to feed it the salmon pellets that he/she won't find them as they fall between the gravel. It's hard to hand feed the pellets because they're very tiny. Should I take out the rocks and maybe put a sand down or just leave the bottom bare?
I'm new to this forum and would love to introduce myself but I'm at work. I'll say hello later! Thank you in advance for any advice
I'm new to this forum and would love to introduce myself but I'm at work. I'll say hello later! Thank you in advance for any advice