Just two more questions....... for now :)


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Apr 11, 2011
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United Kingdom

Me again!

I was woundering if it is okay to put axies in a floating fish trap? Just thought that it might be easier as i (dont think!!!) will not need to do water changes daily?

Also i have attached a pic of the sucker fish thats in my tank atm to keep it cycling - any idea what it is? and i presume i'll have to take it out when i put my axies in? Also someone mentioned putting cherry shrimp in the tank - is this okay (live food mabe?).

Thanks for all your help!!!!


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Young axies can be kept in a fish trap and your sucker fish is something similar to Beaufortia kweichowensis. It will need to be removed when you add you axies as they will become food or it will become food. Cherry shrimp sound like a fairly expensive way to feed your axies and with the risk of disease as well!

Regards Neil
A number of people on this site keep red cherry shrimp (including me!), and I vouch that a number will be munched. However, if you establish from a reputable, disease-free source, and keep a number of them separate to breed up (Not entirely what I did, but it works!) then let them loose on the tank, you should be able to keep them sustainably :D.
A number of people on this site keep red cherry shrimp (including me!), and I vouch that a number will be munched. However, if you establish from a reputable, disease-free source, and keep a number of them separate to breed up (Not entirely what I did, but it works!) then let them loose on the tank, you should be able to keep them sustainably :D.

I bought 50 cherry shrimp for about £30 (I think) including P+P. Did take a while to find a bargain though - the most common price I saw was £1 each prior to any P+P + a lot were collection only. I have them in a small 1ft plastic tank, with sponge filter, small log hide + a couple of artificial plants (SUPA brand fern things) + they've been breeding in there. I have been adding some to my axie tank (which has a Fluval U3 filter, so I'll probably lose some in there too) + they've been hiding in the artificial fern stuff in there too. Not sure how many have been eaten , or lost to the filter, as they're amazingly difficult to see against the fake grass matting I've got in my tank, but I do keep seeing a couple at a time, when I'm poop-scooping with my turkey baster. I've recently set up a net breeding trap in 1 corner of the tank + transferred some of the largest shrimp into there too (with grass matting + an ornament for them to feel more secure).
I tried feeing them with the same pellets my axies get as part of their diet, but they weren't interested, so I claimed my flake fish food back off my friend, since her fish had died)+ they are very happy with munching that, making them cheap to feed. I can't do a count of how many shrimp I have at the moment, as they're so good at hiding (I'd need to take everything out of their tank, I think), but I've probably used over 50 shrimp already (that includes putting around 15 into my axie tank, 5 into the breeding net, at least 10 to my male axie in his temporary 2ft tank + around 20 to my friend's 3 axies while they've been with me) I reckon I've still got at least 50 in my shrimp tank, even though some are currently TINY.
Oh, I did quarantine them 1st, before adding any in with axies, just in case!

Having said all that, they would be an expensive food source if only kept in an axie tank + munched before an breeding colony could be established! That's why I add them to my axies tanks / tubs to aid with cleaning, rather than a deliberate food source. They get munched very quickly by the golden + my friend's axies though, LoL!
Thanks for the info! It rly helped.

Just one more question pls!!?
Can i set up a tank to culture daphina and grow plants and to breed shrimps? Would that work or am i asking too much :) !!!

Definitely plants+shrimp! My shrimp LOVE java moss (Plenty of space to hide!) and it doubled in volume for me over the space of a month :).
As to Daphnia, not too sure (I tried to get some live down here, no luck *GAH!!*), but hopefully someone will come along with the hat of "I have daphnia!" on :D
Thanks for the info! It rly helped.

Just one more question pls!!?
Can i set up a tank to culture daphina and grow plants and to breed shrimps? Would that work or am i asking too much :) !!!


I bought a daphnia culture kit from eBay - it included a tub, a year supply of food + some daphnia to start of with (about £6, I think) - if you've got space to put a tub the size of a large ice cream tub, I wouldn't bother adding them in with shrimp + plants (although shrimp + plants in the same tank are a great idea). I only had about 5 daphnia left over after trying to raise some axie larvae + a week or 2 later, I've got more - the caresheet says to avoid filters as they are from still waters, so easier to just breed in a tub I think. But, that's just my opinion ;)
Wouldnt ghost(glass) shrimp be a better option?

They do the same job as the cherry shrimp but are more suited to axie tanks

If i recall cherry shrimp need higher temps than axies ? Dont know if anyone has found that cherry shrimp are fine in colder water. out.

. Temp should be between 75-78F.(75f = 24c) * quote from -

Cherry Shrimp Breeding and Care - The Planted Tank

I am hoping to setup a ghost shrimp population in my tank shortly :)
That sucker fish you have there is a Borneo Sucker / Hong Kong Plec.
I don't know about glass shrimp Aran but I think the main reason people keep and breed them are that they are easy to breed and are colurfull,
As far as i know, glass shrimp are the same to breed, I do agree the vibrant red is nice contrast against most tanks, although glass shrimp are pretty much transparent (see through)
hmm nice reading, however that doesnt really say they do, just a suggestion, I suppose i will have to look up a breeding sheet before i can say for deffinate on the similarity of breeding.

When i first came across these, they were in a coldwater freshwater aquarium in pets at home, i watched them for a while there kinda qwerky.

Just did some reading on the net, and people have had success breeding these, not in brackish water but in the same setup as guppie breeding tanks. I think most people find them hard to breed because they are putting them in tropical setups as they are cold water = harder to breed. Also shrimps will eat there young.

I think it would be best to have glass shrimp in a axie tank but have java moss and little hides for them to be able to survive and breed. Well better than cherrys on suitability of water temperatures alone.

Anyone more experienced can expand or agree on my ideas with ghost shrimp please?

hmm nice reading, however that doesnt really say they do, just a suggestion, I suppose i will have to look up a breeding sheet before i can say for deffinate on the similarity of breeding.

When i first came across these, they were in a coldwater freshwater aquarium in pets at home, i watched them for a while there kinda qwerky.

Just did some reading on the net, and people have had success breeding these, not in brackish water but in the same setup as guppie breeding tanks. I think most people find them hard to breed because they are putting them in tropical setups as they are cold water = harder to breed. Also shrimps will eat there young.

I think it would be best to have glass shrimp in a axie tank but have java moss and little hides for them to be able to survive and breed. Well better than cherrys on suitability of water temperatures alone.

Anyone more experienced can expand or agree on my ideas with ghost shrimp please?

I did once have glass/gost shrimp and I have also heard of them breeding in captivity in freshwater, but I think you will greatly reduce your chances of breeding them in your axie tank unless you have a very large tank and a lot more shrinmp than axie racio, the reason being is that one they will probably be stressed, two some ofn the adult shrimp will get aten, and three the young stand very little chance of ever making it to adult hood, for two reasons, reason one they have to grow up in salt/brakish water, im not saying that they will not breed as you have said some people breed them in fresh water but I don't think that is commun, secondly because most shrimp babys/larvae are the size of brine shrimp when they hatch they will probably just get munched by your axie(s), these are theb main reason why people breed shrimp in seperate tanks.
I think you need to do a bit of reashurch please tell me if you find out more about breeding them in freshwater, I think I heard of someone reacently breeding glass/ghost shrimp in fresh water in a betta tank I will ask them if I find any thing out I will tell you.
Thanks sam,

I completely agree, however i wouldnt breed them in an axie tank, just have a few house mates, they clean and are edible! Bonus!

If i intended to breed the shrimp it would be in optimum conditions in a seperate 2gal tank and just have a small batch of breeders.
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