Thanks, yea I really like it, just having problems determining male or femail, any thoughts based on the pics? I hate call it, it. Will try to get some pics of it's area when i can, but it doesn't like to get up on it's back legs yet. Please note it's about 3-4 months old.
This is the Axys first home, i'm sure it will be getting bigger later. Just had an extra 10 gallon that I was going to use for my Saltwater tank, but didn't. But since it is only 10 gallons, it fits nicly on my kitchen bar area so i can watch it from all angles.
The only problem that I have noticed with the barebottom tank was that the axy was not moving around too much, now with the sand, it's constantly on the go and always seeing where I am so that it can watch me.