Julie and bobo's babys!



I finally got some good lighting! they are 11 days old and are being fed baby brine shrimp, anyone know where to get daphnia in melbourne?
hope you enjoy!
can anyone tell me what lenght they should be at or does it not matter so much? I've noticed some really small ones. are they just taking their time or not enough food?
well! its a pitty your so far away because I'll be looking for some happy axolotl wanters in a few months! not sure how many will survive though. I'll do my best to keep as many in good health as I can
Hey mel, my babies are all growing at different rates aswell, it only natural. i find that if i divide them up by their sizes its much easier to feed them and they all have a chance at getting at the food
and the survival rate is higher 2. i have some babies that are about 4cm long and then i also have one that its about 1.5cm from the same batch of eggs. Its so exciting watching them grow and its going to be so hard to let them go
I know! just the thought of letting them go is horrible! how many do you keep in a tank at a time? and at what temperature? I just want it tobe perfect for them. have you pics of yours? how old are they. It would be great to compare because I've never done this before. how many have you got? this is so exciting!
prob shouldn't get so attached though he he
last count i had 180 i think ive lost some since then though,the amount i keep in one tank depends on how they big they are.i keep them in big tubs, i need to buy some more. I Find my bigger ones like to munch on there brothers and sisters legs,lol, so i need more space I dont worry to much about temp at the moment coz its not very hot here (yet) and there tubs are sitting on the cold tile floor so that keeps them cool.this is a first time for me 2. This is my little fella Tonks, he's one of my biggest bubs

he's got so much character, and i guess you can see why i can part with this little guy,lol
and here is another of my bubbas
wow! they are so beautiful! Gosh I don't think I would be able to let go of them! they are just gorgeous. how old are they? and how big in cm's. so cute! how many tubs do you have and how big are they? you are doing so well for a first timer, everyone has told me that I will loose most of them. how many did you start with? wow they look so happy and healthy. hope mine are as healthy as that!
Those two are about 4.5cm. i only have one big tub at the moment, the rest are all in ice cream containers all over our living room, Giving more excuses to eat more ice cream,lol
. i cant remember the date they were born...my first piccy's were taken in july and they were starting to grow then...so..10 weeks? rough guess though, i wish i recorded the date
.i started off with about 200, i dont think i'd do it again (not this many i mean) they had all left there eggs before i new it and i just didnt have the heart to kill any of them.Im surprised so many survived this far.All i can suggest is to make sure you do their water changes everyday and keep the food in their belly's and they'll do great! I find if you have some live plants in the container with them also it provides more oxygen in the water for them, saves having an air stone(plus is so cute watching them climb over the plants when they grow their little legs!)
wow, do plants really provide enough? do you know any plant that will survive without to much light? hmm..think I should start on the ice cream too lol. yeah I think I'll be sticking with a few next time too! I'm having a bit of trouble with a few of them at the moment though,they seem to not be able to anchor themselves to the bottom, and I can see a tiny air bubble in side them. does that mean there is not enough oxygen and they have gulpt and they've gotten stuck there? sorry bout all the questions. gosh they grow quick!gee better really start eating ice cream!

tonks is so gorgeous! what types were their parents?
well i've been told the plants will help provide oxygen, but yeah i dunno but i do know that they love to hide under the plants and climb on the leaves and things (so cute) so yeah its up to you im sure its not necessary but it may help.
A couple of my little babies get the air bubble in their bellies, i dont actually know why, i assumed it was food realated(not getting enough) if i find them floating alot, i take them out and put em in a container of water just deep enough to cover them so they can still touch the bottom, this way they can still get to the food on the bottom(mine eat black worms) because i have read on her that they stress when they cant stop floating.
The parents: Male - Wildtype and female - White albino, so ive got a few of almost every colour, mostly wildtypes and white with the black eyes(cant remember what there called sorry) ill post some piccy's of mum and dad for ya when i get home tonight, after feeding time ofcourse,lol do you have anymore piccy's of your axies?
hey mel, congrates on your babies, if you read the posts i put in the melbourinies thread you can see that my male laid spermatophores all over the tank and i think my female and got pregnatn. its so cool. congrats.
This is my babies mum, Lulu, she's about 12 months old and missing a leg thanks to Gil:

This is Gilbert, who's the dad of my little guys, he's a little bit older then lulu im guessing:

And this is my girl Millie, a green wildtype, She's still pretty young, she's only just got her white finger tips,lol and lulu kinda bit her leg off:
ahaahahahha, computer are a pain in the <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>. i h8 mine.
ahh there we go all fixed up, i normally use my computer at work but i wanted to post some piccys
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