Paris, Paris, Paris, .... why is it that none of us is happy where he lives ? I prefer working with mole & hynobid salamanders and like to look at (but don't keep ) Triturus species. So from my side of the story you are living at the good side of the puddle.
I have the luck of living a bit on the outsides , not in an urban environment, but Triturus are not that common. I have created some little pools (so did my neighbour) but I am sure that if we hadn't done so, and with the rate of houses getting constructed overhere there would be none left.
Anyway don't let it eat your heart out Paris, I like to walk in the US woods with a camera on my back taking slides of "tailed friends". Well out here we only have 5 species, in the Appalachians thereare about 40, in Oregon about 17 I think, these are figures to dream about for a European.
Also, I use the observations on the Triturus as a barometer to check my own animals and it works. I have just checked my tanks and found 2 next eggsacs of H. leechii (laid yesterday) and I found another place were some macrodactylum eggs were deposited.
Anyway I would love to see your tigers in nature (never saw one outside of a terrarium)...But despite all, enjoy it out there.
But now that we are there, why shoudln't we live in china, since I'm sure there's still much interesting things to discover out there