Is this setup ok?


Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Westmont, IL
United States
Hey all! I'm super excited to put my axies into this new tank, but before I do so I wanted to see if there were any major flaws that others could find. I still need to hook up and test the chiller, and I'm worried that might add too much flow/agitation to the tank, but I'll have to see. For now, I want to know what everyone thinks on the setup. Note that the rocks are MUCH bigger than an axies head (they are landscaping rocks, and yes, I checked to make sure they are aquarium safe as far as the chemicals go.) There are a few live plants (3 morimo balls and some java moss,) and I'm not going to be upset if they get maimed/destroyed. Plant on the left is fake. There are also two large snails there (still bigger than the juvie axies head for now,) but they will probably be removed. These two snails are tiger nerites, and they only breed in brackish water, so there shouldn't be any babies. I'm also happy to say that I haven't seen any of those annoying tiny snails (knock on wood) so hopefully this is a snail free tank. The filter is a sponge filter, the tank has been cycled, thermoprobe for temperature monitoring, I think there are plenty of hides, so what do you think? Do I have your blessing? ;)


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I like your setup, only thing i would maybe say is more plants :D mine love their plants sit in them all the time :)

and with those pebbles, most might be too big even for an adult but some wont be, they will be fine for now, but i would really not risk the smaller ones you have in there, just saw some NASTY threads man :(
I do like your setup, especially the VERY VERY large pebbles, they are cool, but Aaran is right, there are some smallish ones which could unfortunately be gobbled by hungry axies when they are big adults. I've seen the threads he is talking about, I couldn't quite believe the x-rays I saw myself!

Also agree with the plant thing, more plants would be nice! :happy: My axie likes to poke his head through the plants and look at me, kinda his way of saying 'I can see you but you can't see me.... right?:p'.

But no, very nice setup, loving the driftwood. *thumbs up*
p.s... also loving that little buddha :D
That is a nice tank! I have the same plant pot and pipe lol. Will it be darker than in this pic? (I know lights are needed for good pics) Just I know axies hate the light and mine favour the very dark corners of my tank unless they can hear me talking.

I agree with the plants idea definitely get more, I have silk plants which are lovely but a lot of people on here have live plants too. My axies love hiding in them and sitting on the leaves :D

Also the pebbles look nice but axies are like hoovers with huge mouths lol, I couldn't believe how large some of the stones that axies have sucked up are!
Very cool tank. I too recommend more plants. Live ones tend to work better.
I'd worry about the driftwood pile, make sure it's really sturdy, they do like to bulldoze.. If need be, secure it to the tank somehow. Same with the PVC pipe.

I agree, more plants :D

Apart from that, looks good!
Thank you all for your feedback! I think I've tricked you with the driftwood though; its actually a plastic decoration, not stacked pieces of wood (then again, perhaps you really did mean "no, tie it down!") The pebbles are all very large (not smaller than the Buddha); I went through and hand picked which ones to put in and they are all about an inch in length. I can see the ones which look small in the picture, but this is a 29gal tank, and also some of the rocks are weird shapes that actually I don't think could be swallowed. Then again, as everyone says, you would be surprised what an axie can swallow; and I am only human so I may have made a mistake and let a little one slip in. With this info, you all still think they could be too small? Better safe than sorry, I suppose.
I think I'm not really convinced that the pvc pipe needs to be tied down either. Could you clarify this for me? I mean, if they can bulldoze it enough to move it, couldn't they easily move out from under it if it lands on top of them in the water? What exactly is the worry with this?
And yes, I have a light on in that tank for now since there are only fish in it and I think it will help the plants get a sturdy foothold before they have a lower light environment. And I will definitely take the suggestion for more plants; I will probably go with fake ones though, since I am a little paranoid about snails in the tank now that the tank *appears to be* snail free.. but I do like the look of real plants.
I appreciate everyone's constructive comments and I hope you can see that my reply was also meant to be strictly constructive as opposed to "no its my tank and I'm right!" :lame: (I don't want you to think I have doubts on suggestions based on pride!) Thank you and keep the advice coming! :D My axies will have a happy healthy home soon with your help!
Fooled by driftwood! :p loving it though, wouldn't mind some for my own...
I have to "replant" my silk plants every morning they get abused lol. My pipe isn't tied down but it is burrowed into the sand which is about an inch thick at it's deepest and it hasn't moved as far as I can tell......
I wouldnt worry too much about snails, best way to combat that would be to just drop the plant in a bucket of dechlorinated water, leave it and come check it for snails, i caught 2 on one of my plants, then put it in with the goldfish without snails ofc, and no snaills in my tank :D
If you are worried about snails getting into your tank set up a quarantine tank for the live plants before you put them into ur tank, i treat with a condries crystal solution which kills any fungus on them, i then leave them in dechlorinated water for a day then i boil them, then leave them for a couple days and visually inspect them, then they are right to go into the tank :D

Also with the big pebbles waste can get stuck underneath them and mess around with your water readings, i would personally go with sand.
Pardon if this sounds rude but why would you boil live plants.... They wouldn't be alive after that.
thats what i said to but i have read it various times on a couple different forums, i personally prefer the condries crystals but some prefer to soak/dip them in boiling water aswell / instead of.
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