how big is your axolotl and how far does the mouth of your decor open? I dont think it would be a big deal, honestly the axie might even be a little afraid of it at first... I would monitor for a while and see how the axolotl is behaving, if he is trying to stick his head in the decor's mouth then yeah maybe remove it or put it somewhere harder to reach, even then i still think its doubtful because those "real water motion" decors are pretty lose, they move up with the bubbles and down with the lack of bubbles shouldnt be anything thats going to crush or harm your axolotl.
The only thing i would recommend would be to keep the bubbles to a minimum unless you have a fairly large tank, I actually just got an air pump and decor for my fish tank just couple hours ago and its pretty powerful so just make sure it doesnt create too much current or water agitation. Axolotls tend to not like that too much.