Is this normal?


Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Valencia, España

I have two tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) since September 2014, when premiered terrarium were outside on a warm Valencia and were subjected to temperatures up to 25 ° C, day and night were buried out.

With the arrival of November and the cold end of the month were buried and moved into my room.
Time passed, I changed them to the substrate in late December and reburied, spent buried almost three months.

I took them back to the terrace came the days heat up to 27 ° C, and were buried, the unearthed, was reburied and got to the hall, where the temperature is right.

Now in the lounge are maintained between 18-21ºC and still not out.

The thing is moving below the substrate, because sometimes they are seen through the glass and change position, but do not dig, nor night, I spent at different times, have been attentive to everything if venture outside, but no way, do not go.

Not long ago I read to spray warm water could encourage them to leave, simulating the first rains after hibernated, and I did, but it did not work.

When the bag are active, have a good weight and accept the food without problems.

Today I take them out, well, alert, active and eating well, a while they get to water and 30 min are already buried again.

Does anyone know why not go? How I can encourage them?
Hi elKendo! I noticed you posted this same question on the Newts and Salamanders Facebook group as well and got many suggestions.

How did that go? Are they coming out more? :)

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I think this behavior is normal,

Are your tigers Wild caught ? it's a natural behavior for them they are mole salamanders after all !

I had WC and they were often hidden , burrowed in the substrate,

Captive bred are often out, waiting for feeding...
Thank you.

spray a little night publish in newts and salamanders and one of them came out.

However it was buried and have already not come out since.
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