Is this a Tumor on my Axolotl Betsy?

Aug 30, 2020
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Yorkville, IL
United States
Is this a tumor?


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because of the lighting I can't work out where you mean, perhaps a descriptive would help.
because of the lighting I can't work out where you mean, perhaps a descriptive would help.
I apologize your right!
Is on the corner of her mouth. It looks bigger than in the photo but couldn't get a very good angle. I will try again
I apologize your right!
Is on the corner of her mouth. It looks bigger than in the photo but couldn't get a very good angle. I will try again
by corner of her mouth do you mean the shape underneath that starts in the corner of her mouth and ends just underneath her eye? or the bit just beneath her mouth? perhaps a picture with the area circled would be helpful
by corner of her mouth do you mean the shape underneath that starts in the corner of her mouth and ends just underneath her eye? or the bit just beneath her mouth? perhaps a picture with the area circled would be helpful
Is where the end of the mouth is. I will take a better picture. When I bought her from the place they had her she looked rough and the lip was already like that. I am not sure if she was in a fight with another axolotl
I don't think if they can get tumors as they have regenerative cellular qualities, unlike humans. Is it possible it's a bacterial growth or a fungal infection instead? If she was roughed up when you got her, then it is likely an infection and I would recommend you get a vet to diagnose so proper antibiotics can be prescribed.
axolotls can get cancer but it is very uncommon for a proper diagnosis she would need to be seen by a vet, if the area hasn't grown since you have had her it could be an old injury that healed wrong or just how she looks.
axolotls can get cancer but it is very uncommon for a proper diagnosis she would need to be seen by a vet, if the area hasn't grown since you have had her it could be an old injury that healed wrong or just how she looks.
To sum up, OP needs a vet to get the issue diagnosed and dealt with.
axolotls can get cancer but it is very uncommon for a proper diagnosis she would need to be seen by a vet, if the area hasn't grown since you have had her it could be an old injury that healed wrong or just how she looks.
Thank you everyone! Betsy will see a doctor. Is hard to find exotic pet vets😮‍💨
Thank you everyone! Betsy will see a doctor. Is hard to find exotic pet vets😮‍💨
i can't remember for sure if this is even real or not, so its probably not particularly helpful, but I think there may be a catalogue of herp vets in each state, but i'm not sure where to access it
Is this a tumor?
The lighting is not good.but I did notice your axolotl substrate is a gravel .if you need a substrate at all you should use fine sand.uour axolotl will take mouthfuls of gravel and struggle to pass it through it's gut
The lighting is not good.but I did notice your axolotl substrate is a gravel .if you need a substrate at all you should use fine sand.uour axolotl will take mouthfuls of gravel and struggle to pass it through it's gut
It is actually the substrate that is like balls of dirt. So the balls dissolve as they get squeezed. I had a bare tank before due to the fear of impactment.
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