Question: Is this a good choice?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
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United States
Ok as some of yous may know ive just started to keep newts & salamanders and want to find a good looking and not too hard species to keep or find.

I was looking into maybe getting a Oregon newt (T. g. granulosa).... I just wanted to know what you guys thought...... Ive been keeping fish (salt,reef,fresh) for years and breed turtles so i know all about water quality and ive been reading alot on newts and salamanders.......Im not totally new to newts ive kept fire belly newts and ive also kept eastern redspotted newts and for salamanders ive kept tiger salamanders.......As far as i can tell the main thing with newts (and most amphibians) is water quality and i know how to keep that in check.......So do yous think i can keep and hopefully breed this newt one day? Or should i try some other type of newt?
T.granulosa are easy to keep but it's not easy to get them to breed.
I used to have them but they died.
I have had C. Orientalis for over a year and they have recently had 30 larva and ten more eggs. I think the biggest thing is keeping the water cool enough and clean enough. I did not intentionally breed them, so it can't be that difficult. I did not know I had a male and female until the first newtpole arrived and I found this site. I can clearly now see the difference! I have no idea how many will make it successfully through morphing and the delicate time that follows, but we are trying our best to give them every opportunity to make it to adulthood.

I've had no issues with the fire bellied newts though I have no experience with any other salamanders.

If you want some eggs....drop me a line!

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