Question: Is that normal???


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Jan 11, 2010
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Hi all,
My son dean's axies are still in the fridge (the yellow one bloated too - black one still fine) and have been on their antibiotics for the five days - the vet I finally got hold of - suggested Flagyl - so they have been having that added to their water containers in the fridge - they are still puffy - wondering now how long to keep them on the medicene - that was a mission as it is a prescription only here in Aus - but I got it - lovely chemist guy willing to help the little axies - I am wondering if it was in their system when I got them from the pet shop- strange though because his original axie Freddie is still fine - although showing some weird behaviours now he is in the tank alone -(well they seem weird to me) - he barely hides at all now - and swims around alot more - he swims to the filter - goes with the water flow and swims back - he has also been crusing along the top of the water like a crocodile - (that is the only way I can think to explain it) - Is that normal???? He then has the usual sit on the bottom of the tank motionless - had the water tested and it is all good - I think my theometer has stopped working properly - but still have two litre ice packs in the tank with him - so the water is cool - Any idea's ???:confused:
Hi Dean, Hi Kerry,

I´m sorry to hear about your 2nd bloated axie.
Antibiotics should be given for 5-8 days and you can see if it works, when your axies are feeling better.
How are your axies doing it? Do they show any signs of recovery?

Are Fiesty and the golden from the same pet store? If so, you could ask them if they have had any problems with the other axies in the shop and how they treated them. You could ask further if they are using any fish medicine for prevention.

Freddies behaviour seems normal to me. Axies sometimes are very active, swimming around, gulping air for floating, playing crocodile until taking a rest in the plants or caves.

That's great that Freddie is normal - have never seen him do that before - Cool - Both Frankie and Fiesty seem less bloated in the body but their legs are still puffy - will take some more pictures soon and post them later tonight - fiesty has had a few lumps appear and dissappear and new ones appear again - I will keep giving them the antibiotics - thanks again - you are a great source of knowledge - :D
Edit: Sorry forgot to answer your question - Yes Frankie and Fiesty are from the same pet shop and were purchased at the same time - Frankie bloated about 3 or 4 days later -
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1