Is my newt pregnant???



i came home from school today, and looked at my newts, one was really big and the other one seemed to be the same size it always had. I looked at the fat one for a while, and put some plants in a different aqurarium with it. My newt is a firebelly newt, about 3-4 inches long and i have owned it for about 4 months.

Help please A.S.A.P...i'm getting nervous!}}
Hi hmm you might have to wait a while, is the throat swollen as weel, if yes this could be a bad sign...
my newt's neck isn't swollen, its body near the back feet is bigger than when i bought the newt, everything seems to be going well with it, i haven't seen any eggs and it is still big
I have a fire-belly newt and its stomach around the feet has been getting bigger. She is sleeping alot. I have only had her for 2-3 weeks. When I got her she was in a tank with anouther but when I called the pet shop they just were rude! Her stomach has been big for about 3 days now what should I do could she be pregnant or is this just anouther problem?
Well if you do any searches online for it try gravid(that's when egg-layers have eggs)instead of pregnant,I hope everything turns out well!
frog, this was posted in april... i imagine she's found out by now.

but, newts fresh from the petshop who are getting plump might just be a sign that they're gaining weight, which is a good thing.
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