Is my care acceptable?


New member
Aug 7, 2014
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United States
Hi there, I have an african clawed frog named Derp (haha). Due to her bump on her bottom, I assume she is female. She is 3-5 in approx. I have her in a 20 gallon long bare bottom tank. Her water is in the high 60s generally. She has a bushy fake silk plant and a pvc pipe hide. I have a whisper 10 that I use sometimes. I feed her earthworms, waxworms, and occasionally different types of pellets. She is fed every few days. Does this sound alright? Do you think it is better to go with or without the filter? Would I be safe in adding a similar sized albino clawed frog? Please let me know any concerns, tips, or suggestions you may have! Thank you!
It sounds fine to me, maybe the temp is a little on the low side of their ideal, but I never used a heater with mine and there were no problems. Her diet sounds good, I'd lean more towards the earthworms and pellets if I were you, but you can still give her waxworms or anything else she likes from time to time to add variety.
Personally, I used to run a filter when I had clawed frogs, they're hearty, messy eaters and produce a lot of waste, but you should decide one way or the other, intermittently using a filter can do more harm than good.
I would have no worries keeping two frogs of the same species and size together, I used to have a few of them in a 20(ish) gallon corner tank and they were fine. They will sometimes squabble at feeding time, but that's half the fun with these frogs. ;)
Hope this helps!
Hi, I have a albino clawed frog for a little over 2 yrs now, I got her when she was teeny tiny lol. she is in a 30 gal tall. I keep a filter on all the time, I bought the quietest one I could find since they are very sensitive to sound. I figured out a way for making quiet water flow if you have a powerful filter :) anyways my water temp is set in the higher 70`s & he has been great so far. I feed him wax worms, nite crawlers,rosie reds,crickets, he does not seem to like pellets. I started off with 2 frogs but one had passed a yr later. the cause I am not aware of. But they got together very good. I thought my frog was a female until I learned that males hands turn black when in a mating mode/stage. & his turn black lol. Smaller gravel is bad because they inhale there food & can inhale the stones as well & can get lodged & not passable. mine thankfully passed one when she inhaled it. since then I switched to the bigger rock looking gravel. I hand feed him & rub him he will crawl on my hand when I put it in the water:) they are nice to have. Keep the water levels good referring to the ammonia/ni-trites & ni trates use the water cond. when changing the water that's important too. Here I go preaching again lol if you have any questions just ask. Good luck with your decision
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1