Hi everyone! I'm quite new to the world of axolotls but keep 2 that i was given, i think that they are amazing but im one of those people that can worry quite easily if i dont know everything about somthing. one of my sweeties has a sort of red spot on her upper lip and i dont know what it is, any ideas?
also i dont really know how to use forums so any help there wud be gud 2!!
hi, i feed them lots of different things, mainly worms, but also locust, crickets, we keep some frozen lancefish just incase we ever runout of live food... they have been known to eat a minnow aswell... what do you think is the best thing to feed them?
mine had something that sounds similar to yours except it was on her tail, it was sort of like blood that came up to the surface, it eventually went away. maybe she scratched herself. salt baths wont hurt so have a read around about them/how to do them (its been ages since ive done one so i cant remember exact ratio *i think its 2tbsp to a litre?*) can someone refresh my memory
hi everyone, seems that the red spot must have been just a little bruise as it did infact slowly dissapear. thanks for all the suggestions thou, i don't know anyone else who keeps axolotls. its gr8 to have finaly found a forum where i can talk to other axolotl keepers.
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