Is it possible to tell if my tigers are neotenic?


Jun 18, 2009
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Austin, AR
United States
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I bought some tiger salamander larvae from a bait shop. I was wondering if it is possible that they stay aquatic. They range from 7-10 inches in size. I know the picture isn't great, but I'm trying to force a change, but I don't want to stress them if they aren't going to morph. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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I’m not sure it’s possible to tell. They can stay in their larval form for well over a year before morphing, while some stay aquatic for no more than a month. The only surefire way to tell is if it starts morphing or it lays eggs. I wouldn’t try to force a morph. It can cause long term issues if it doesn’t occur at a natural rate. Wait for the gills to start receding and then begin to gradually lower the water level. I have a nice thread documenting my Tiger’s metamorphosis if that would be helpful at all!
Can I ask what region you are in? With that color of olive skin, I’d say it’s more likely to be one of the western morphs, but no way to know for sure yet!
If they begin showing signs of sexual maturity, such as mating behavior, before they morph, then I would say that they are neotenic. Odds are against it, though. Give them time and they will morph when they are ready.
I am in Arkansas, but I happened upon a bait shop website in Texas. I've been looking for some tigers, but you can't buy salamanders in pet stores anymore, so I figured that was my best option. They only occur in very specific parts of the state and it's not worth fishing for eggs/ruining a breeding pool.
Thank you for the replies. My students (high school) love them, by the way.
Did you happen to get the larvae in Texas from a bait shop or did you get it online. I'm just curious to know cause around here (Little Rock, AR) there are no such luck finding anything but minnows and worms in a bait shop. By the way love its color.
I removed a reply from this thread with sites where you can purchase live bait tigers.

We abhor the sale of wc animals on this site, especially the numbers that the websites referred to must collect them in. That is a ravage to the environment. It's fine to collect a couple for your personal collection, but to buy them in bulk from people that collect them in bulk- depleting the natural population- we are highly opposed to this.

I am in Arkansas, but I happened upon a bait shop website in Texas. I've been looking for some tigers, but you can't buy salamanders in pet stores anymore, so I figured that was my best option. They only occur in very specific parts of the state and it's not worth fishing for eggs/ruining a breeding pool.

Imagine what the bait collectors are doing. We would prefer that you find a few eggs/larvae on your own to raise, than buy from people that collect in the thousands.

Thank you for you understanding.
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