Is it possible my alpine newt is staying fed by feeding on little critters in aquarium?


Nov 26, 2017
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United States
Hello one of my alpine newts isn't eating much that I offer but seems to look full and satiated. I noticed there are TONS of of copepods in my aquarium notably on the glass. I have also noticed he "strikes" the glass quite often where a lot of these little guys reside so I assume he is eating them. I guess this is enough? there are also quite a few baby snails so maybe he is eating them too? He looks healthy and is acting normal so I guess this is fine?
If he looks fine, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

What are you feeding him?

I have three alpine newts, and I feed them a mix of pellets, frozen blood worms, daphnia I culture outside and mosquito larva. And small worms from my garden. I rarely sit to watch them eat, but they all look healthy.
I know when I go out of town, my Clawed Frog stays well fed by munching on the Ramshorn snails in my tank, as well as the copepods and planaria. I assume the alpine newt could do the same. But I would also ask what you are feeding him? He may be eating the tank critters instead if what you feed him isn’t interesting, and I wouldn’t be sure tank critters can provide him all the necessary nutrition long term.
Could you possibly post a picture of the tank?
I feed them chopped nightcrawlers and bloodworms. He ate some nightcralwer today so thats good but from what i can tell he probably didnt need it. It just is annoying because I dont just wana assume he is staying fed off stuff in the tank because im not 100% sure. It does look like it though.
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