I've been tweezer-feeding my salamander ever since he morphed. I've tried weening him off it but he doesn't seem to see the bugs right in front of his face. I think there's something wrong with his sight . Anyway, I used to feed him cut hunks of earthworms but when I moved into an apartment, a worm farm wasn't ideal and now I buy meal worms. He doesn't like the actual meal worms but he will eat the beetles. The problem is the beetles have a hard shell which makes them hard to grab on to so I don't squish them too much (because he doesn't seem to like them once they're dead) or so they won't get away. I have to wait until he snaps at it and if he gets it, let go or else he'll tug and let go. Sometimes this results in me dropping the beetles in his moss which he then goes after and meanwhile it's trying to burrow away and he gets a mouthful of moss. He doesn't spit it out and I can try to take it away but he swallows some. I can image in the wild they must be gets bits of lots of stuff stuck to their food which they then swallow but I'm worried it'll hurt him. I got it from a pet store from a lady who said her brother uses it for his salamander. It just says "forest moss" on the packet. I have a plan to try to get him to at least move away from the moss when I feed him (his enclosure is half moss, half dirt).