I've just seen this advert for a newt on preloved Preloved | free** warm water newt other in Leeds, Uengland, UK
I'm about 75 miles away, so too far to go, but he poor little thing sounds like he needs an upgrade with a knowledgeable owner. I've messaged then to see if they will post it, but I'm a bit dubious that they will, and that it will survive the trip, esp if not packaged correctly. If anyone in Leeds could get it I'd sleep easier :lol: Even if they just picked it up and forwarded it on to me, I've got a spare 10gallon tank and could take it. I'm happy to cover postage costs etc :happy:
I'm about 75 miles away, so too far to go, but he poor little thing sounds like he needs an upgrade with a knowledgeable owner. I've messaged then to see if they will post it, but I'm a bit dubious that they will, and that it will survive the trip, esp if not packaged correctly. If anyone in Leeds could get it I'd sleep easier :lol: Even if they just picked it up and forwarded it on to me, I've got a spare 10gallon tank and could take it. I'm happy to cover postage costs etc :happy: