Question: Is 10 gallons really the minimum?


Jan 29, 2013
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United States
I have read several places that a 10 gallon is the minimum size for one axolotls ... this seems SO tiny ... I am trading my reptile cage for a 10 gallon and would love to house an science in it after we move but I want to make sure I am reading everything right
It's more about floor space for axolotls. But the bigger the tank, the better.

I'm surprised you're trading a 20long reptile tank for a 10gal aquarium. Price-wise, you could sell the 20reptile and get probably a 30gal aquarium.
I can't find I wish I could find a 30 or another 20 long since it would fit my space anyone to buy the reptile cage ... I wish I could this is the only trade I could find
The norm for a 10g tank is 20" x 10" footprint. The adult axolotl will get 7-14inches long. Let's just use 10". Would you want to live in a house that is twice the length of your body, and only once the width?

I think 10g tank would be okay if it's young and you upgrade it when it gets larger, however I don't think it's fair to the axolotl to put it in a 10g for its 10-15 year lifespan. Also, keep in mind that with a larger tank, its easier to keep the water clean and healthy.

Do you have kijiji, gumtree, or craiglist for your area? Try looking for one there and advertising what you have there.
i have posted many times ... only reply i got was someone offering $10 which was unacceptable

i do have a 40 long i could upgrade to later but that would be a few years ... so i am not even considering that i own it
I don't see that big of an issue with using a ten gallon, but if price, availability, and space are issues, why not house your axolotl in a sterilite container? You can get a 30 gallon container for something like $8-10 USD here. Or something that is 36 by 12 for around the same price. Do you require the tank to be extremely visually pleasing? I personally love using plastics over tanks. There are more sizes to work with, and much cheaper and easier to find.
10 gallon is definitely the minimum.
personally i wouldn't go any smaller than 20 gallon long for one adult.

on a side note, if you're worried about money i'd suggest waiting until you can afford everything for sure.
the expenses add up in the first few weeks of setting up a tank, and especially if you've never cared for an axolotl before.
i wont set up a tank while i have money issues so thats not an issue space however is ... we have a 10x11 room with 2 dressers a nightstand and a dcn ... its cramped ...

i considered sterilite containers but i LOVE watching my animals :) i only use them for aggressive shy hamsters
My room is 8' x 10.5'.. My parents won't let me put tanks anywhere else so what I've always done is make sure my dresser/desk is capable of having a tank on top ;)
My room is 8' x 10.5'.. My parents won't let me put tanks anywhere else so what I've always done is make sure my dresser/desk is capable of having a tank on top ;)

There's always a way ;)

I like the idea of a wall of 3ft long tanks on shelves 3 or 4 tanks high & 2 or 3 tanks wide ;) it's one way to get around the only wall that I'm encouraged to put AN aquarium.... lol that'll change! :D

<3 >o_o< <3
There's always a way ;)

I like the idea of a wall of 3ft long tanks on shelves 3 or 4 tanks high & 2 or 3 tanks wide ;) it's one way to get around the only wall that I'm encouraged to put AN aquarium.... lol that'll change! :D

<3 >o_o< <3

Now I'm imagining having 1 tank... that goes ALLLLLL the way around my room haha! Axies galore! Hmm... I wonder just HOW many I could fit in that...... if 1 ft per axie rule, that'd be 34 axies if I left room for the door to open haha! Or is it 1ft squared per axie??
Well our things are a little more complicated ... I have a cat 2 hamsters and 5 rats plus our TV and consoles and two tanks ... so my nightstand has the tanks on it my dresser the TV and ps3 his dresser the 20 long with one hamster and the other hamster on my DCN ... plus room for us and the room has yet to be rat proofed lol ... it will probably be summer before I can set anything up and my DREAM tank is a 40 breeder.... would a sterilite safely house a axie until I can find a 40 breeder? Do they need lids? ( my cat doesn't register fish as food so I doubt she would mess with the axolotl)
Rats are awesome pets!! As soon as I'm out of the house I'll be getting some and a DCN :) I've had once before and after Sweetie passed away I think my parents said no to more as I spent over $550 in vet bills due to a tumor. My dad was wondering why I didn't replace her with another $10 rat instead of getting her operated on. *Sigh*, some people just don't understand what a pet is!!

I think waiting is an excellent idea, as hard as it may be, so you know they'll be comfortable and living the life of a spoiled pet!

I've read of others keeping them in a sterilite containers with no problems, if you want to leave it open top, I would suggest using duct tape along the edges to make an inside lip all the way around - it is an effective way to prevent even the slightest chance of escape!
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My friends think I am crazy taking my 2 1/2 year old boy to get his tumor removed but the vet said he has a great chance of recovery

I am planning to buy everything bit by bit plus you know how it is with rats I need a vet fund as well
The lid of my sterilite compared to the lid of my 20 long

That container would be fine - probably even for 2 axies if they're young, until you get your 40 gal in the summer :)

Out of curiousity, is your 20 long reptile tank unable to hold water?
Yes reptile cages have a thinner glass

I guess I didn't explain well ... I have a 40 long now but. I can't set it up for a few years when we get our own hone ... however with my hamsters as old as they are I will probably have room this summer after they pass ( they are each 1 1/2 )
what type of filtration and how many gallons do you run for the axies ? i usually try to run double ( though in the 40 i was thinking single for one axie... if that ever happens )
what type of filtration and how many gallons do you run for the axies ? i usually try to run double ( though in the 40 i was thinking single for one axie... if that ever happens )

Whoops, sorry, saw the post and didn't reply right away, then forgot :(

I don't have mine in a tank just yet as they're still in the cannibalistic stage, but I do plan on getting 2 hydro sponge III filters for my tank - one on each side (which will be 40g if I only fill it to 12"). I was thinking about using a HOB filter, however from what I read sponge filters will make their gills long and fluffy, whereas HOB filters can provide too much water flow, and their gills will be receded. This is due to HOB filters providing higher amounts of oxygen in the water, and the gills do not need as much surface area to respirate :)
i may be getting my hands on a 20 tall :D ( 2ft x 1 ft) but i will need to buy a bigger filter my biggest filter is 10 gallons
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