Greetings name is al-Hajj Fred H Minshall, and I live in Anchorage, AK.
I have two pairs of Notophthalmus viridescens piarpicola, collected for me by
a friend in northern FL last year. They bred slightly over a month ago.
They reside in a 55gal, fully-planted tank. The females deposited single eggs on leaves of Ludwigia, water sprite, Cryptocoryne etc and folded the leaves over the eggs.
Larvae are now ~0.75in long (or slightly less) and are showing some adult pattern/coloration. I don't know how many there are, because they hide in large clumps of Java moss and/or under driftwood in the tank.
My question is: most salamandrids--even eggs and larvae--are toxic (at least
to the point of tasting bad), but will the adult Notophthalmus prey on their
own offspring? The larvae are quick to dart for cover, and transferring them
from the tank would be difficult, but I'm prepared to attempt this if there's
danger of them being eaten by their parents.
This is my first success at captive breeding any salamander species. I can provide photos if needed of larvae and tank
I have two pairs of Notophthalmus viridescens piarpicola, collected for me by
a friend in northern FL last year. They bred slightly over a month ago.
They reside in a 55gal, fully-planted tank. The females deposited single eggs on leaves of Ludwigia, water sprite, Cryptocoryne etc and folded the leaves over the eggs.
Larvae are now ~0.75in long (or slightly less) and are showing some adult pattern/coloration. I don't know how many there are, because they hide in large clumps of Java moss and/or under driftwood in the tank.
My question is: most salamandrids--even eggs and larvae--are toxic (at least
to the point of tasting bad), but will the adult Notophthalmus prey on their
own offspring? The larvae are quick to dart for cover, and transferring them
from the tank would be difficult, but I'm prepared to attempt this if there's
danger of them being eaten by their parents.
This is my first success at captive breeding any salamander species. I can provide photos if needed of larvae and tank