Interested in buying Bombina species


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Jan 28, 2014
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United States
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Hello I have been in the market for a while now, my local exotic shop can't find any available.
Fire belly toads just aren't as common as they used to be and I'm interested in buying.
I live in Long Beach, CA if that helps with rates... Thanks!
Bombina orientalis was a staple of every petstore in the US for decades, but they were overcollected and are now unavailable. there are some sporadically available online but, they are captive bred and expensive. B. variegata is now the most common species. i'm really glad they are no longer being overcollected out of the wild; hopefully they will be captive bred, and more available in a few years, albeit at a higher cost. These are amongst my favorite anurans, and i'm spending a lot of time working with them. It'll be a few years before things scale up to sell any though...
Bombina orientalis was a staple of every petstore in the US for decades, but they were overcollected and are now unavailable. there are some sporadically available online but, they are captive bred and expensive. B. variegata is now the most common species. i'm really glad they are no longer being overcollected out of the wild; hopefully they will be captive bred, and more available in a few years, albeit at a higher cost. These are amongst my favorite anurans, and i'm spending a lot of time working with them. It'll be a few years before things scale up to sell any though...
Hi, I ended up joining a facebook group and there are a few sellers or captive breed. I found a guy in LA that was an hour drive from me and I picked up 4 froglets. Still really small and eating fruit flies. Its a shame that not many people wanted to keep this species going though its still one of the most popular species kept. It seemed harder than expected to get a hold of.
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