Illness/Sickness: Injured Paddle Tail


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Nov 10, 2008
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United States
Hi everyone
I've had fire bellies before but never a Paddle Tail... I found this guy in a fish store today housed with several others and I had to rescue him. He's missing about half of the top of his face/mouth. My question is: What can I do for him? I want to make him comfy and happy so he can heal (hopefully). I read the care sheet here about them but just wondered if there was any additional advice anyone could give me for this special little guy. Of course I have him housed alone... but for now he's just in a critter keeper half full of water with a big rock to hide around and climb out of the water on. I did get a 10 gallon for him just not sure how exactly to set it up to make him as happy and comfy as possible. Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated!
If this is a recent injury, there is a chance that he'll heal. Keep his water clean (change daily) and hope that it doesn't get infected. You could apply Neosporin (without benzocaine), but it doesn't stay on very well for an animal that stays in water. Or you could add antibiotics to the water, if you have access.
Caudata Culture Articles - Illness Part 1

If this is caused by some sort of flesh-eating infection, the chances of survival are slim. From the photo it looks more like a recent injury, but it's hard to tell.
Thank you so much for your help! I read that they prefer fully aquatic setups but should have a place to climb out if they are sick... will he be ok without a place to get out of the water for a couple of days until I get it all set up better? Maybe with just some java moss? (That reminds me, what precautions should I take when I get new live plants from the petstore? Do they need to be quarantined or something?)
Poor little guy didn't make it :sad:
So sorry to hear that, I had hope for the little one. You did all you could.
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