Injured axie: 1 limb down, 3 mauled. What do?


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Aug 20, 2011
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United Kingdom
So my female axie's tankmate, another leucistic axie, slightly bigger, male, is a bit older than her and sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't. He's bitten off her limbs before so it's nothing new, but I'm concerned for her health and wellbeing as this morning I woke up to find he'd bitten off her front leg (again) and the other three limbs had been bitten/look like they've been through a shredder.

I'll be moving out anyway and the other axolotl belongs to my housemate so they will be separated within a few months regardless, but is it worth separating them sooner? This has been going on for probably as long as she's been his size (I've had her over two years, so probably at least a year now) as they were separated with a partition before as he would've swallowed her whole.

I'm in two minds about it as there's no room to have the second tank out, either, unless I just partition them again, but I'm concerned. What are everyone's thoughts?
I'm concerned you feel the need to ask this :(

It's beyond belief that it's happened before & then you let it happen again & again :eek: your poor lotl!

Yes! You should separate them & you probably should've already done it long ago... I'm sure you can find a place for another tank if not a divider will at least let her recuperate without further injury or attack.

Just because axolotls can regrow limbs does not make it ok to continuously subject them to attacks or injuries - that's just awful! :mad:

<3 >o_o< <3
I would take out the attacker so that the injured one is still in familiar surroundings and thus less stressed while she heals. You need to separate them immediately. Having access to all the information on this forum about injuries of this sort it is obvious (to me anyway) that there should always be a spare tank ready for such occurrences. Guess you will rig up a divider to get you through until your room mate and axolotl move out if you have no room for another tank?
it's not as if he always attacks her, sometimes it's more prevalent than others (i thought i made this clear) i.e. like 3 or 4 isolated incidences since moving in together. i was hoping for some support, not beratement, especially accusations that i don't care for my axie. not cool.

i separated them immediately after posting this anyway, you'll be glad to know. i haven't separated them previously, into two tanks, for a number of different reasons.

1. my housemate neglects his axie - he never feeds them, or cleans them and just expects me to do everything for him because i'm doing it for my axie.
2. we have no room to set up the second tank
3. most of the time, the axolotls get along well and enjoy cuddling up
4. it's time consuming enough looking after one tank while trying to juggle two jobs and the work-at-home that comes from that. he wouldn't clean the second tank if he doesn't clean the first one so i'd have to fit time in to do that, too.

accusations that i'm not a nice owner is not the most helpful, so i'd appreciate they didn't occur. i hope you understand.
I think adding a tank divider is probably your best option if you can at the moment. I'm a bit worried about your flat mates axie if he doesn't care for it. I know life can get hectic, but pets shouldn't suffer. Could you perhaps take his axie too when you move out? Sounds like you need to have a heart to heart.

How big is the tank?
it's not as if he always attacks her, sometimes it's more prevalent than others (i thought i made this clear) i.e. like 3 or 4 isolated incidences since moving in together. i was hoping for some support, not beratement, especially accusations that i don't care for my axie. not cool.

i separated them immediately after posting this anyway, you'll be glad to know. i haven't separated them previously, into two tanks, for a number of different reasons.

1. my housemate neglects his axie - he never feeds them, or cleans them and just expects me to do everything for him because i'm doing it for my axie.
2. we have no room to set up the second tank
3. most of the time, the axolotls get along well and enjoy cuddling up
4. it's time consuming enough looking after one tank while trying to juggle two jobs and the work-at-home that comes from that. he wouldn't clean the second tank if he doesn't clean the first one so i'd have to fit time in to do that, too.

accusations that i'm not a nice owner is not the most helpful, so i'd appreciate they didn't occur. i hope you understand.

I know looking axies is time consuming, however to be honest looking after 2 is really no drama. I spent 4 hours each and every day for months cleaning out 1L containers and scrubbing and refilling. At the moment I have 14 tubs in my lounge room. You could just buy a plastic tub with high walls and put one in there temporarily with a sponge filter. You would need to change the water every few days and turkey baste food or waste as you see it. It really isn't that hard. I empty all of them over a one hour television show and it is good exercise ☺
I'm confused, as I dont see anyone accusing you of being a bad owner and not caring about your axolotl. I also dont see any "beratement".

That is you projecting on what people HAVE said, which is that yes, they should be separated, and that NO the axie being eaten alive should not be allowed to continue living this way. Just because they can regenerate doesn't mean it doesn't cause pain to have legs chewed off or mutilated, especially not on a regular basis.

I personally feel that after ONE incident they should have been separated at least with a divider...3 or 4 is yes, rather negligent in my opinion. That you have known about these REPEATED incidences and have not chosen to separate because its inconvenient IS rather disconcerting. ETA, I reread and realized that the previous incidents were him also biting her legs off. Nips are one thing, entire limbs is just frightful.

You can chose to get mad or offended or upset because you have been told that you should have protected your axolotl from repeated violent painful attacks. Or, you can chose the responsible action which is to find a way to separate your axie from theirs, NOW. Do not expect sympathy from animal lovers if you chose to allow these two axies to continue to live together when one of the two is constantly being basically tortured. I hope YOU understand.

Perhaps you should try and convince your roommate to rehome the animal he is so obviously neglecting. If he refuses, dont give him a choice.

We once had an incident with our last roommate, who got a crested gecko, and after about a week, started disappearing and the gecko was starving and dehydrated. We forced him to give her up (which wasnt hard since he didnt actually give a s**t about this poor animal anyhow). We cleaned her up, got her back to health, and found a better home for her.

Animal neglect is NEVER something to be tolerated.
Here! Here! To what SapphireTigress has said above! :)

I didn't feel my post berated you at all... In fact that was a revised "bite tongue" version :p

If you don't have time to look after the animal properly then maybe concentrating on studies & working means you should rehome both animals. If your roommate doesn't look after his / her axolotl then it's up to you to explain that without you it would be severely neglected.

The fact that you want to try & justify that the 2 lotls in fact get along & like "cuddling up" - simply means they both want to be in the choicest spot & that could be the cause of the attacks. Having had a limb regrow 4 times in a year is over half the year spent regenerating limbs! That's not fair on the axolotl at all. It's like keeping on putting the cat in the crate with a pit bull - how many attacks / stitches would it take to stop you doing it again - and again - and again!!! :mad:

How is the injured axie recovering?

<3 >o_o< <3
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