That setup is very small and inadequate. Part of the reason he may not move around much is because he has no where to go. I don't see any hides in that setup?
Please look at this care sheet. Caudata Culture Species Entry - Taricha torosa
The main problem I see is the gravel. Gravel will trap dirt and waste and become unsanitary quite quickly. I'm no expert on terrestrial enclosures, but he would be better off with a coconut earth substrate, a hide and an easily cleanable water dish.
Are you certain that he is a California newt? It may well be that he is actually a Rough skinned newt (T. granulosa) if he came from a pet store, if he is, it would probably be easier to house him in a more aquatic based set up with a cork float or small land area.
The main problem I see is the gravel. Gravel will trap dirt and waste and become unsanitary quite quickly. I'm no expert on terrestrial enclosures, but he would be better off with a coconut earth substrate, a hide and an easily cleanable water dish.
Are you certain that he is a California newt? It may well be that he is actually a Rough skinned newt (T. granulosa) if he came from a pet store, if he is, it would probably be easier to house him in a more aquatic based set up with a cork float or small land area.
The main problem I see is the gravel. Gravel will trap dirt and waste and become unsanitary quite quickly. I'm no expert on terrestrial enclosures, but he would be better off with a coconut earth substrate, a hide and an easily cleanable water dish.
Are you certain that he is a California newt? It may well be that he is actually a Rough skinned newt (T. granulosa) if he came from a pet store, if he is, it would probably be easier to house him in a more aquatic based set up with a cork float or small land area.
I can confirm that it is T. torosa.. From the picture, the eyes surpass the margin of the head which is a reliable way to distinguish between T. torosa and T. granulosa. A terrestrial setup with coconut fiber is good for this species.. Though I may recommend a hide with more area to hide in. It's good that he likes the castle but he may be happier with something larger like driftwood to hide under or something. My T. granulosa used to be very inactive as well until I provided more places to hide and now she is very active. Also, though the tank is 12 gallons, I think that a longer area for the newt to walk around in would be a bit more sufficient (since this seems to be more square shaped) I believe you can keep Taricha newts comfortably in at least a 10 gal but I would imagine they would prefer a 10 or 20 gallon long enclosure.
I'm not saying your newt isn't happy in his home, I'm sure he is very happy, just want to provide some helpful feedback!
The picture must make the tank look smaller, because it doesn't look like a 12 gallon tank in the picture.
He definitely looks to be a Taricha torosa.
Caudata Culture Articles - Setups Terrestrial The first setup on this page looks pretty good for these guys, though I would add more hides than that ( don't hold back! ).
The setup TarichaLove described is also a good setup.