New member
Hello. I have a Pachytriton labiatus (paddle tail newt). I've had her for over 12 years now. She is the first and only newt I've ever owned. Normally, she is a voracious feeder and a rather plump newt. She gets fed earthworms, bloodworms, daphnia, guppies, newt bites (rarely) and tubifex. Lately however, she has lost a lot of weight and refuses any and all of the myriad foods she used to love. She runs from my earthworms. She sits up on the highest plants and "gulps" water while she fans the tip of her tail. I've noticed that while she does this, little white wisps of something slowly drift out of her cloaca. She lives alone (except for guppies) in a 40 gallon breeder tank with large river stones for substrate. Like I said before, she's the only newt I've ever had and I'd be very sad if she died. So, why won't she eat? What's that drifting out of her cloaca? Why does she gulp water? Thank you for reading this and I greatly appreciate any information you can give.