Benjamin Tajer: If your intention is to bring this community into disrepute, congratulations, that's a great way to go about it.
Regarding the talk of X-rays: Most newts have highly cartilagenous skeletons, with very little true bone, and are therefore highly unlikely to show up on an airport security X-ray. However, if your method of importing newts, legal or illegal, involves X-rays, you must ask yourself if you are comfortable with exposing your animals to a dangerous form of radiation (not to be confused with nuclear radiation).
Regarding intra European Union transit of newts and salamanders, provided the species doesn't have extra protection, a simple veterinary certificate of health should be all that's required from the exporting country, and the importing country's relevant department should be notified so that they can inspect the animals if they so wish.
Regarding what Mike East said, to the best of my knowledge this only applies to exports and imports outside the EU. As long as your airline (many don't) will allow you to carry small animals in the cargo hold, you should be ok.