IMPORTANT: Update on senate bill that passed the house. April 27 news.


Jan 11, 2022
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United States
NO recent data was found, i dont understand. Has it passed senate?? 🤨
huh, well. thats odd
Not really. Probably didn't have enough money in it going in to establish a CIA-approved dictator in a foreign country or into establishing election security in another country or in providing aid to another country or in the Green New Deal or overtaxed key political donors in the billionaire class. Of the billionaire, for the billionaire, by the billionaire!
Currently there are no restrictions or regulations to transport newts between states?
Given how partisan politics is these days, I doubt it.
i had been wondering about this for awhile, good to know that it ~probably~ hasn't been implemented yet.
i don't usually hope for political division in my country (or anywhere, really) but this is one i'm hoping doesn't go through
i had been wondering about this for awhile, good to know that it ~probably~ hasn't been implemented yet.
i don't usually hope for political division in my country (or anywhere, really) but this is one i'm hoping doesn't go through
I wish we had a stronger opposition party than the current one. I'm hoping that November can drastically change that. I would prefer there to be bipartisan opposition to the more insane things though. It almost seems like when the two parties actually agree on something, you can guarantee that things are going to go south quite fast.
I wish we had a stronger opposition party than the current one. I'm hoping that November can drastically change that. I would prefer there to be bipartisan opposition to the more insane things though. It almost seems like when the two parties actually agree on something, you can guarantee that things are going to go south quite fast.
i don't follow politics very closely at all, but i'm inclined to agree with you, no matter which political party is trying to push this bill. you're definitely right about that last sentence though lol
Thank you for your inputs. Once the bill is passed, this hobby might be gone.
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1