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1st clutch laid 34 days ago. Surprise 2nd clutch laid 10 days ago. This is where I made the decision to separate Penny from the boys, not only is it a lot of work but it takes a lot out of mama to do this and obviously my tank favours breeding. I got her a new tank which is cycling and will be ready for her tomorrow.So I do water changes tonight on the 1st guys, admire the developing ones from the 2nd clutch, come upstairs to feed mama, the two daddy's and Howie and I see Penny perched in a plant, well that's a weird way to sit I thought, turn on the light and gasps! Horror! A little cursing, she's in the middle of laying her 3rd clutch just 10 days later! Omg this poor girl, also removed 5 more sperm deposits from the tank. I've been checking the tank every day since the first batch was laid for sperm and taken out any if I've seen it, I don't understand how I've missed any! It was like Sheldon knew too, even if he didn't it was ironic and funny how as soon as he seen me he backed away slowly and went and hid in his hide. No more babies for Penny! She's going to her own home tomorrow.